Welcome to Everlasting Manor Decor

Sharing Design tip and ideas to make your homes cosy at a great budget.  My name is  Lillian Smith and I  am a  Certified Interior Designer since 2019 but design has been instilled in me since my youth.  I give all credit to my beautiful mom for sharing with me how to make a house a  home.  
Creating spaces that invite you to stay a while is what my design is called to be.  
I am a happily married wife of 25 years to Bobby Smith and we have 4 children .  Ages of my children range from 31-17.  I am a Noni of 2 beautiful granddaughters ages 8 and 8 months.  
In my recent years I have volunteered countless hours at my children’s school almost to the point of saying I was a full time volunteer .  My duties were acting as chair leader from church groups to elementary , middle and High school levels.   My volunteer time made me continue to organize , learn time management and creativity during every experience.  With all this being said I have always made my home a place to come together at the end of the day and relax.  Hope you can come by here and take away with you some tips and design ideas you can use in your own home.